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Producing Power and Progress


Trees are our fingertips, rivers our arteries, oceans our heart, and polar ice caps our brain membrane. How can one function without the other?

How do we use nature and physics to produce natural energy?

The short answer, through new technology capable of harnessing hydroelectric energy. Hydroelectric energy is a form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion. Motions that are creating in rivers, on the coastline, and in the ocean are powerful. Another important measurement when harnessing aqua energy is the measurement of compression wave velocity. Compression wave velocity measures the velocity of sound waves through Earth material with distance versus time. Sea water can have a compression velocity of 1570 meters per second with a median velocity of 1500 meters per second. The surface speed of the Mississippi is 1.2 mph on average, with the mighty river reaching 3 mph when arriving in New Orleans. The Mississippi river by itself flows at a rate of 750,000 cubic feet per second when the at its most violent swelling.

Proper Points


The first natural power resource that we need to capitalize on are main arteries (our aorta) of our country, our rivers. The Mississippi River is a prime example of the need to clean and purify our rivers and water sources. The Muddy Mississippi waters are known for the mass transit via river barges and polluted river water. The river contributes an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of nitrogen pollution into the Gulf of Mexico annually. This barrage of pollutants creates a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico each year. This dead zone of life is the size of New Jersey. How can we be comfortable with this as a society?

What if we create a device to clean the bed of the river? The primary goal being implantation of a device that can create hydroelectric energy and a secondary benefit is cleaning our drinking water. The concepts of the new device will mimic technology that is currently on the market. It can be similar to the current wind turbine technology, but more advance. With underwater devices, the need to protect the structure will be paramount. We feel that the amount of hydroelectric energy created by water will outperform wind turbines.

Of course, you guessed it, physics will to be involved. Under water aquatics can be a calorie consuming when participating at your local community centers swimming lanes. Have you ever felt the friction while completing your 15th of 16 laps in your afternoon workout? The company that harnesses the velocity in rivers and is able to turn natural rivers into hydroelectric energy will be the winner.


Our ocean is the most untapped and underappreciated source of energy on our planet. Ocean waves contain tremendous energy, estimates predict that waves off the coasts of the United States can product 2.64 trillion kilowatt an hour. To put that in a more palatable plate, this is equivalent to 66% of the total energy generated in 2020.

What if we had designated areas along the coastline, that were for energy harvesting only? This would create a natural reserve for plants and animals to grow, as well as produce renewable energy. We could create sites near major shipping ports or yacht clubs for electric recharging stations or battery replacement. This could play heavily in recharging electric batteries for passenger car transportation as well.

The first tool would be a device to capture the force when a wave hits the beachfront. There are smaller versions of devices currently on the market. There can be significant advancements to the current devices that would be a game changer in energy harnessing. The second device would be focused on capturing energy from waves that are more distal to the coastline, but not extended past the continental shelf. Think of having three rounds of hydroelectric energy harnessed in one wave’s life span. Oh, sweet energy!

The Challenger Deep

How do we use natural physics to create energy in the deep sea?

When an object displaces a weight of water equal to its own weight, the object floats. This is the principle of floatation. A floating object displaces a weight of fluid equal to its own weight. This is why you can see so many plastic islands floating on the ocean’s surface.

The key is to design a device that displaces a weight of fluid at least equal to its own weight. The device can be something we place at the bottom of the ocean floor, and we can use the principles of floating as a source of hydroelectric energy. Can you imagine a device that collects energy for its nearly 7-mile trip back to the surface of the ocean? How much energy can we create if we release multiple devices at the bottom of the ocean floor?


The ultimate goal of the new devices would be to find a twenty-four-hour source of energy. The best device will require low maintenance and produce the most hydroelectric energy. Extreme measures are needed to improve the health of our planet. These concepts can improve the health of all humans and our natural surroundings. We have knowledge and the resources to improve our planet through technology. Let’s make it count!!!

“All things are from water and all things are resolved into water”

“We live not, in reality, on the summit of a solid earth but at the bottom of an ocean of air”

“I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world."

Oh, and did I say magnets. Yes, magnets.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to reach out if you are interest in more concrete answers of what further steps can be taken. Feel free to reach out to discuss ideas or if you have suggestion.


Adam Grzyb

ASG Logics LLC



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